Topic: Refutations against the Irhaabiyyoon (Terrorist) needed

al.Arabaanee    -- 04-07-2004 @ 11:26 PM
  Bismillahi wal-hamdulillaahi wassalaatu wassalaamu alaa rasoolillaahi wa ba'd:

As salamu alaikum

Due to the Irhaabiyyoon (terrorist) using the internet to spread their fasaad (corruption) and the misconceptions that many of the people have regarding the correct Islamic stance regarding terrorism, I wanted to ask the Admin of this forum if it could dedicate a special section to the refutations of the Irhaabiyyoon.

Abu Khadijah Abdurrahman ibn Tony Curtis Lawson

This message was edited by al.Arabaanee on 7-6-04 @ 7:03 PM

Hamza-L-F    -- 08-03-2005 @ 1:36 PM
  Asalaamu 'alaykum

I remembered a question was asked about al-Irhaab. Thought I would notify everyone that (Salafi Radio) have added two lectures on this subject which are mash'Allaah extremely beneficial jazakumullaah khaira:

Aqeel Ingram
A Reading from the Book 'al-Irhaab' (Terrorism)

Hasan as-Somaali
Statement of the Muftee of Saudi Arabia Concerning the Events of September 11th

And here is a link to [url=]Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Aal-Shaykh's Condemnation on Terrorism[/url]

Wa salaam

Subhaanakallaah humma wa bi Hamdika Ashadu allaa ilaha illa ant, astaghfiruka wa atooba ilayk

This message was edited by Hamza-L-F on 3-9-05 @ 9:38 AM

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