Topic: question about translations of the qur'aan

shahid393    -- 01-05-2004 @ 9:08 PM
  as-salaamu 'alaykum,

i personally use the translation of hilali & khan, and i recommend it to others.  what is to be said individually about the other english translations:  pickthall, t.b. irving, saheeh int'l, yusuf 'ali, etc.?

aboo husaam shaheed ibn george williams
wichita, ks  usa

abdul-moqueet.murad    -- 03-05-2004 @ 12:11 PM
  Dear brother Shahid,


I can say that the Yusuf Ali translation was considered by the scholars of Saudi Arabia as one of the best existing translations (excluding Hilali and Khan). However the commentary is very modernist in content. The mashayikh involved in the printing of the Holy Quraan in KSA took the translation of Yusuf Ali, made minor adjustments and added the correct edition of the commentary and the complex came out with another English-Arabic translation of the Quraan. The original translation of Yusuf Ali differs very slightly from the Saudi version but the original commentary is clearly best avoided due to its sufi and modernist nature.


Murad ibn Muhammad Abdul Moqueet  


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