Topic: Help needed

mujaahidirlande    -- 26-04-2004 @ 6:19 PM
  A Saudi brother here has been offered a place at Aberdeen university. He is concerned that there may not be any salafi masjids in the area, and requires information prior to accepting the offer. If anyone knows of a salafi community I would be grateful if you would pm me with the relevent details.  

Was salaam

Mujaahid    -- 27-04-2004 @ 11:07 AM
  As-Salaamu 'alaykum

Really the only clear Salafee community in the UK is in Birmingham, situated around Masjid as-Salafeeyah and Salafi Bookstore. There are some Salafees scattered around the UK that try to stick to each other, i.e. in London the Salafees know that the only class running is the Friday class in East London and the majority of the Salafees reside there. Around the UK there are a few collected Salafees but nothing that could be called a strong community.

With regards to Aberdeen and Scotland in general, from what I know, there are NO Salafee Masaajid, and no known Salafee communities! (May Allaah spread the Da'wah to these lands... Aameen!)

And if any brothers or sisters know otherwise, then please correct me.

And Allaah knows best!

اخوك في اسلام

ابو احمد محمد الموحد السلفي
Aboo Ahmad Muhammad as-Salafee
London, UK

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