Topic: question about w.d. muhammad

shahid393    -- 19-04-2004 @ 4:16 AM
  as-salaamu 'alaykum,

a brother in a nearby prison writes:


Tell me what do the Ulema from the Salafi say about W.D. Muhammad, once in a radio address he said "People in prison shouldn't be about to practice Islam."  In one of his books he said "humans are gods of the physical world."  The Man and Woman in Islam, pg. 3

aboo husaam shaheed ibn george williams
wichita, ks  usa

Daud.Chest    -- 20-04-2004 @ 1:08 AM
  Salaamu Ailaykum,

Shaykh Fawzee (Hafidhullaah) said he was a kaffir for asking the the pope at-taghoot to pray for him and his followers.  Refer to Abu Tasneem's tapes (Tape #1 or #2) "Who is Sunni".  Abu Uways also mentioned this same takfir of this dajjal, and added that Usaamah Qoosi said he was a kaffir too.  Of course that was before Qoosi deviated.  Inshallaah, I'll go through my tapes and post the name of the tape for you.  May Allaah guide him to the sunnah, or destroy him...Aameen!

Daud As-Salafi

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