Topic: Pearls for the Salafiyyeen: The guideline for determining large and small

abu.naasir    -- 03-02-2004 @ 10:43 AM
Pearls for the Salafiyyeen: A series of preferred opinions of al-Allaamah ibn Uthaymeen

Introducing, bi idhnillaah, a selection of preferred opinions of the Imaam, the Salafi, al-Faqeeh, al-Allaamah Aboo Abdillaah Muhammad ibn Saaleh ibn Uthaymeen, which he chose and as the ?qawl ur-raajih? on different fiqh issues during his explanation of ?Zaad al-Mustaqni? ? (a treatise on Hanbali fiqh), which is entitled ?as-Sharh al-Mumti? alaa Zaad il-Mustaqni? ?.

Over 900 of these preferred opinions are collected in a book ?Tawjeeh ur-Raaghibeen ilaa ikhtiyaaraat as-Shaikh ibn Uthaymeen? by Muhammad adh-Dhiyaab.

And all success lies with Allaah! We continue with:


The guideline for determining large and small.  

Shaikh ibn Uthaymeen says, so a large amount is that which is large according to the people and if they say that it is large then it is large and if they say it is small then it is small.

Some of the ulemaa have said that it is for each person to decide that which is large or small. So anyone who thinks it is a large amount then it is large, and one who thinks that it is a small amount then it is small. There are some problems with this opinion since there are some people who are afflicted by whispers and a small spot is large to him and amongst them are those who take these matters lightly and when a lot of blood comes out he says it is a small amount.

The preferred opinion of al-Allaamah ibn Uthaymeen:

?And the first is correct. That which is relied upon is what the people regard to be large is large and that which the people regard to be small is small.?  

{Page 223 from Sharh al-Mumti?, page 33 from Tawjeeh ur-Raaghibeen.}

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

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