Topic: 'Eed Salah - East London    -- 28-01-2004 @ 11:19 AM

إن الحمد لله، نحمده ونستعينه ونستغفره، وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، وأشهد أن محمداً عبده ورسوله، أما بعد

alhamdulilah we will be holding 'Eed Salah on:

Sunday 1st Feb at 9.30 am

To be held at:

Sarah Bonnell School
Deanery Road
London E15 4LP
(Off Romford Road,East London)

>>>Map of Location<<<

***The Salah will take place on tarmac so you may want to bring something soft to sit on, if it rains the Salah will be held in the sports hall.

Umm.Mariam    -- 29-01-2004 @ 2:10 PM
Assalaamu alaikum,

Alhumdulillaah that we will at last have the opportunity to pray together - all of the Salafi's - behind a Salafi Imaam!  MashaAllah la hawlaa walaa quwatta illabillaah.

Will there be any refreshments/breakfast snacks (rolls/sandwiches etc.) on sale after the eid salaat - as this would not only raise some more money for the da'wah here in East London but also give the Salafi's an opportunity to spend some time together on Eid day.  

Also if there will be any bouncy castles/ball pits/games etc. for the children after the Salaat?

Also as a reminder for all of the salafi's - don't go empty handed to the Eid Salaat - make sure you take something to give for the sake of Allaah in the donations box!!

And to the sisters especially - don't forget to bring some gold to donate and give for the sake of Allaah in the donation boxes!!  Seize the opportunity and gain more reward and benefit your hereafter - just as the sahabiyaat used to when Bilaal (radiallahu anhu) went round and collected it from them after the eid salaat!!

Wassalaamu alaikum

Umm Mariam

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