Topic: Explanation of Aqeedah-il-Waasitiyyah

Umar64    -- 22-12-2003 @ 7:58 PM

as-Salaam alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh,

I am aware that our brother, I believe it is Abu Talhah Dawud Burbank, is reading the explanation of Aqeedahul Waasitiyyah by our Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan(hafizullaah) on Paltalk.  Do any of the brothers know of contact information so that I may purchase copies of the tapes of those sessions.  I have been able to listen to only a couple of those sessions, but would like to have copies to listen while at work.  Also, I have a copy of Shaykh ibn al-Uthaymeen (rahimullaah) in the arabiyyah, but are there tapes of the Shaykh's duroos?  

Further, does anyone know of any other explanations of other works of Shaykh-ul-Islaam Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah or of Imaam ibn al-Qayyim, either in english or in arabic?  Insha'Allah, I can be reached, if not here on this board, then by email at  I have an intense interest in the books and methodology of Shaykh-ul-Islaam and would appreciate any assistance in this matter.

Your brother in Islaam wa Salafiyyah,
Umar at-Taalib al-Amriki

Know that Islaam is the Sunnah and the Sunnah is Islaam and the one cannot be established without the other.   Imaam al-Barbarhaari (Sharh as-Sunnah)

abu.abdul.azeez    -- 22-12-2003 @ 9:55 PM
  Here is the taped Sharh of Ibn 'Uthaymeen: (Part 1 | [url=]Part 2[/url])

The book is basically tafreegh of the tapes, so you can listen and read along with the exception of some phrases here and there.

Abu 'Abdil-'Azeez al-Misree
أبو عبد العزيز المصري

shahid393    -- 23-12-2003 @ 2:54 AM
  as-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

to whom it may concern, here is the english translation of the sharh:

aboo husaam shaheed williams

Umar64    -- 26-12-2003 @ 12:58 AM
  As-Salaam alaikum,

Baraka'Allaah feekum for the information.  I appreciate the sources for sharh of this important work.  As a corollary to my interest in the Aqeedah-tu-Waasitiyyah, I am trying to work on a degree in history and would like to obtain further on other works by Shaykh-ul-Islaam.  I am aware that he had written a work in refutation on Greek Logic and those Mutakallimun amongst the Muslims.  Does anyone know anything about this work (I cannot off the top of my head recall its title) or any other works pertaining to epistomology and/or his work Dara' Ta'ardul al-aql wal-Naql?  Do any of the Salafiyyun know of his relation with the Mamlukiyyah rulers of Misr during that time period?  Insha'Allaah, any knowledge by brothers can afford me will be put to good use in the near future.

Jazak'Allaah khayran,
Umar at-Taalib al-Amriki

Know that Islaam is the Sunnah and the Sunnah is Islaam and the one cannot be established without the other.   Imaam al-Barbarhaari (Sharh as-Sunnah)

abu.abdul.azeez    -- 26-12-2003 @ 4:19 AM
  It was just added today, bihamdillaah!

Abu 'Abdil-'Azeez al-Misree
أبو عبد العزيز المصري

Umar64    -- 26-12-2003 @ 6:38 AM
  Subhan'Allaah!!!   Al-hamdulillaah.  Make du'a to Allaah ta'ala and He will provide.  

Know that Islaam is the Sunnah and the Sunnah is Islaam and the one cannot be established without the other.   Imaam al-Barbarhaari (Sharh as-Sunnah)

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