Topic: The eyes are shedding tears and the heart is grieved...

abu.talhah.a    -- 17-12-2003 @ 11:12 PM
  Innal hamdulillaah was-salaatu wassalaamu alaa rasoolillaah.
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.

Post Removed!

Please refer the following advice of Shaykh Rabee' hafidhahullaah.

Aslam ibn Aftabuddin as-Saylaanee

This message was edited by abu.talhah.a on 1-11-04 @ 9:00 PM

Moosaa    -- 18-12-2003 @ 3:13 AM
  may Allaah have Mercy on him and grant him and his family an increase in forgiveness and mercy

ifthikar.saifudeen    -- 18-12-2003 @ 3:46 AM

musa.ibn.wendell    -- 18-12-2003 @ 4:10 AM

roshdy.majdoub    -- 18-12-2003 @ 9:43 AM
  May Allaah magnify the reward of the family, and make better their solace and forgive their deceased.

MSbN.Ahmad    -- 18-12-2003 @ 3:29 PM
  Wa'alaykumussalaam wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh

May Allaah have mercy on his soul and pour patience and reward upon his family aameen.

Please could you post the contact details of his maktabah here?  May Allaah make it continue to be a source of guidance for the people.

abu.talhah.a    -- 18-12-2003 @ 3:57 PM
  Darul Kitab
No. 6, Nimal Road,
Colombo 4.
Sri Lanka

Phone: 094-1-12589038

Also if you look in Darussalam's Tafsir Ibn Kathir on the second page you'll see the details under the Branches & Agents section.

Aslam ibn Aftabuddin as-Saylaanee

irshadmuhammed    -- 19-12-2003 @ 3:44 AM
  ((innaa lillaahe wa innaa ilayhe raaji'oon; Allaahumma ajurnaa fee museebatinaa wakhlifnaa kayran minhaa...));

May Allaah have Mercy on him and grant him and his family an increase in forgiveness and mercy.

May Allaah ta'aalaa bring us together in His gardens, and in the company of the prophets and the most righteous, aameen.

Irshad Muhammed as-Saylanee.

AbooTasneem    -- 19-12-2003 @ 1:58 PM
  O Allaah, forgive him and have mercy on him, keep him safe and sound and forgive him, honour the place where he will remain and make his place of entrance wide, wash him with water and snow and hail, and clean him of sin as a white garment is cleansed of dirt.

O Allaah, give him a house better than his house and a family better than his family. O Allaah, admit him to Paradise and protect him from the torment of the grave and the torment of Hell-fire, make his grave spacious and fill it with light.

O Allaah, do not deprive us of the reward and do not cause us to go astray after this.

Dawud Adib

وقال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية :" الراد على أهل البدع مجاهد"

ekbal.hussain    -- 19-12-2003 @ 3:03 PM

shahid393    -- 19-12-2003 @ 7:42 PM

aboo husaam shaheed williams

Daud.Chest    -- 19-12-2003 @ 8:16 PM
  O Allaah, Have mercy on the brother and accept his good deeds and forgive him of his sins...Aameen

abu.mujahid.muadh    -- 24-12-2003 @ 1:05 AM

"knowledge preceeds speech and actions."

Mustapha.Amreeki    -- 24-12-2003 @ 3:52 AM

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