Topic: Congtregational Prayer by Dr saalih ibn Ghaanim al-Sadlaan

sajid    -- 11-12-2003 @ 6:39 AM
  Does anybody have any info on this book

congregational Prayer by Dr. Saalih ibn Ghaanim al-Sadlaan

wasim.ahmed    -- 11-12-2003 @ 11:55 AM
  Alhamdulillaah wassalaatu wassalaam ala rasulillaahi waba'd

Refer these URLs to know about Dr saalih ibn Ghaanim al-Sadlaan viewmessages.cfm?Forum=9&Topic=2328

[url=http://] viewmessages.cfm?Forum=16&Topic=341[/url]


"A garden the width of the Heavens and the Earth, prepared for the muttaqeen. (They are) those who spend in times of ease and times of hardship, those who restrain their anger, those who excuse the people. And Allaah loves those who do good works."Soorah Aali 'Imraan (3:133-134)

wasim ahmad ibn abdur raheem salafi alhindee

sajid    -- 12-12-2003 @ 1:38 AM
  barakAllaah fee Akhee but the link is not working.

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