Topic: Need analysis of isnaad this weak hadith concerning ramadhan...

Daud.Chest    -- 05-11-2003 @ 11:14 PM
  Asalaamu Ailaykum,

Shaykh Al-Albani (Rahimuhullaah) declared this hadith about Ramadhan da'eef:

??A month, whereby the beginning of it is mercy, the middle of it is forgiveness, and the end of it a savior from the Hellfire??... in his work, "Al-Silsilah al-Da ?ifah".  

Is is possible that someone can post his analysis.

BarakAllaahu Feekum

Daud Abdullaah

Yaseen    -- 06-11-2003 @ 9:16 AM
  Innal Hamdalillaah, washaadu al laa ilaaha illAllaah, washaadu anna Muhammadar Rasoolu Allaah, was Salaatu was Salaam alayhi was Sahbihi wa sallam, wa b?ad:
The alleged hadeeth referred to that contains the reference to Ramadan, as being divided into three so-called parts is a well known, albeit a very weak narration.
It is a long narration and contains references to many falsehoods and innovated beliefs that are often repeated among the ignorant speakers and books that circulate during this special month of the year.
Since so many misconceptions concerning the blessed month of Ramadan find their origin in this single hadeeth, it is worth mentioning the entire narration, inshaa?Allaah, and show its weakness in its chain of narrators, along with the comments made by some of the hadeeth Scholars of the Salaf regarding its weakness.
  The narration is reported by way of ?Alee ibn Zayd from Sa?eed ibn al-Musaayib from Salmaan al-Faarisee (radhiAllaahu anhu) who said:
The Messenger of Allaah (salaa Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) preached to us on the last day of Sha?baan and said, ?Oh, people! Verily the shade of a very great and blessed month has been cast over you, a month in which there is Laylatul Qadr, better than a thousand months. Allah has made its fast obligatory and its standing (in salaah during the night) voluntary. Whosoever engages himself during this month in good works (from the voluntary deeds) is as if one performed an obligatory act done in other months. And the one who performs the obligatory acts is rewarded the merit of seventy times that obligation as performed in other months.
  It is the month of Patience (as-Sabr) and the reward of patience is al-Jannah. It is the month of Benevolence and a month wherein sustenance is increased. Whosoever feeds a fasting person at the time of breaking the fast during this month will be as an atonement for their sis and freeing their own neck from an-Naar; with this they shall receive the same reward as the fasting person without reducing the reward of that person a single iota.?
  The (Companions) then said, ?Oh, Messenger of Allaah, not every one of us is capable of feeding a fasting person!? The Messenger of Allaah (salaa Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) then said, ?Allaah gives this reward to whomsoever feeds a fasting person (even so much as) a mouthful of milk, or a single dried date, or a drink of water. Whosoever gives drink to a fasting person, Allaah Azza wa Jall gives them a drink from my water tank (Hawdh), a refreshment in which there will be no thirst afterwards until they enter al-Jannah.
  It is a month where the first part is a Mercy, the middle part atonement for sins, and the last part is freedom from the Fire (an-Naar).
  You should increase your efforts in four particular deeds this month, two of them by which your Lord will be pleased with you all, and two deeds you should not be at a loss without (performing them). As for the two deeds by which your Lord will be pleased with you: the Shahaadah and the asking for His Forgiveness.
  And as for the two deeds you should not be at a loss without: asking Allaah for entry into al-Jannah and seeking refuge in Him from an-Naar.?

This narration was collected by Ibn Khuzaymah (1887); al-Mahaamulee in his Amaalee (293); al-Asbahaanee in at-Targheeb; al-Mundhiree in at-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb; and al- Bayhaqee.

The weakness in the chain of narration (isnaad) is due to the weakness of ?Alee ibn Zayd.           Ibn Sa?d says concerning him, ?He is somewhat weak, he is not used as a proof (hujjah).?
  Ahmad bin Hanbal said, ?He is not strong.?  Ibn Ma?een said, ?He is weak?. Ibn Abee Khaythumah said, ?[He is] weak in everything.?  Ibn Khuzaymah himself said, ?I do not accept him as a proof due to his weak memory.? ( at-Tadheeb 7/322-323).
  In his collection where he quotes the above narration, Ibn Khuzaymah adds to it his conditional statement, ?If the narration is authentic.?
  Ibn Hajr al Asqalaanee says in al-Atraaf, ?It is narrated by ?Alee ibn Zayd ibn Jud?aan alone and he is weak?. (as-Suyootee quotes this from him in Jam?ul Jawaami (24,714).
  Ibn Abee Haatim reports from his father in ?Ilalul ?Hadeeth (1/249) that he said, ?The hadeeth is munkar!?

Wa Allaahu A?lam. Was-salaatus-salaam ala Nabiyyina Muhammad.


Daud.Chest    -- 06-11-2003 @ 9:15 PM
  Asalaamu Ailaykum,

JazakhAllaah Khair akhi, Yaseen.  May Allaah reward you with Al-Jenna for aiding your brothers...Aameen!!!

BarakAllaahu Feekum

Daud Abdullaah

Daud.Chest    -- 06-11-2003 @ 9:15 PM
  Asalaamu Ailaykum,

JazakhAllaah Khair akhi, Yaseen.  May Allaah reward you with Al-Jenna for aiding your brothers...Aameen!!!

BarakAllaahu Feekum

Daud Abdullaah

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