Topic: Women studying in Saudi

abu.jameelah.m    -- 17-10-2003 @ 9:41 PM
  Bismillah wa salaatu wa salaamu ala arasoolillah wa ala alihe wa ashabihe ajma'een, wa ba'ad:

As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

Does a woman whom is married have to have her husband accompany her to study at Ummal Qura? Reason being that the husband has to maintain two families and in the meantime has contine working in order to do that. One of the wives wants to go and study her deen.  The husband has agreed to allow her to do that while he continues to maintain his responsibilities.  It is felt that it would be an overall benefit for everyone if someone could and would actually go and study with our beloved 'ulama.

Min 'abdillah:

Abu Jameelah Michael Latham

Note: If there is anywhere else that a sister can be allowed to study that is sound then please advise.  Jazakallahu kulli khairan, aameen.

"Falyahhtharil lathina yukhalifuna 'an amrehe an Tuseebahume fitnatune aw yuseebahume 'athabune aleem" Sura An-Noor-Ayah 63...So Let those who oppose the Messenger's order beware that they will be stricken by some affliction or suffer a painful torment

This message was edited by abu.jameelah.m on 10-17-03 @ 9:57 PM

Moosaa    -- 17-10-2003 @ 10:41 PM
  wa 'alaykumus-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.

It is a requirement for a female applicant that she has a mahram living in Makkah.  She will not be accepted unless she applies with her husband, or she proves that she already has a male mahram living in Makkah at the time of applying.

Moosaa Richardson

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