Topic: Who is Tariq Preston?

ekbal.hussain    -- 01-10-2003 @ 10:48 PM
  Assalamu Alaikum,

Can someone give some info on this individual, what is he upon?  

I noticed some of the articles at were translated by him.  Recently he translated the book 'Rifqan ahlus sunnah bi ahl us sunnah' of the esteemed Shaikh Abdul Muhsin al-Abbad (HafidhaUllah) and he has put it on to his website for all to view, despite the clear advise from the other scholars NOT to distribute this book (such as Ash-Shaykh Rabee and Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee and others (HafidhaUmullah)and that their are mistakes in the book, which have been refuted.

Does anybody know what his current position is in the mubtadi of ma'rib?  It seems to me that he may be from those who defend Abul Hasan al-Ikhwaanee and he may have translated this book for that purpose.  Allahu alam. Perhaps somebody might know about him, if so please let us know!

Jazzak Umullahu Khairan.

Ekbal Hussain as-Salafi al-Bangalee

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