Topic: Weekend Dars and Fundraiser with Abu Muhammad Al-Jamaiky (Masjid al-Qawiyy)

Umm.Layla    -- 27-09-2003 @ 4:53 PM

This message was edited by Umm.Layla on 10-1-03 @ 3:46 PM

Umm.Layla    -- 01-10-2003 @ 3:37 PM
  In the Name of Allaah, the All-Merciful, may His complete Salaah and Salaam be upon His final Messenger, and upon all his family, Companions, and followers up to the Day of Judgement.

To proceed...

Masjid Al-Qawiyy in Washington, DC, presents a WEEKEND DARS and FUNDRAISER
on Friday, October 3, 2003 and Saturday, October 4, 2003.  Admission is free.

The featured speaker will be Abu Muhammad Al-Jamaiky.  In addition, there are other speakers, to be announced, insha'allah.  

Please view the UPDATED attachment for details.

Barakallahu Feekum wasalaamu Alaikum
Umm Layla

Yoonus Ibn ?Ubayd (d.139H) ? rahimahullaah ? said:

"With good manners you understand the knowledge.  With the knowledge, your actions are corrected.  With actions, wisdom is obtained.  With wisdom you understand zuhd (abstinence) and are granted its benefits. With zuhd comes abandoning the world. With abandoning the world comes desire for the Hereafter. With desire for the Hereafter the pleasure of Allaah ? the Mighty and Majestic ? is obtained."  Iqtidaa`ul ?Ilmil ?Amal (no. 31).

This message was edited by Umm.Layla on 10-1-03 @ 3:47 PM

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