Topic: Help with Salafiyyah in Boston

Abu.Hafs.Bilaal    -- 24-09-2003 @ 4:58 PM
wa Salaatu wa Salaam ala Rasoolullah
As salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

Dear respected brothers and sisters,

this is an open letter to the salafis in the US and around the world. The fledgling salafi community in Boston,MA USA is making an attempt to reach out and connect with the salafis wherever they may be. We are trying to clarify our aqeedah and manhaj upon this noble way, and have made and will make mistakes. We do not have students of knowledge in our area and need help of those who Allah has blessd with some knowledge to assist us in finding our way. Below is a statement of our retraction from what we were upon in the past. We pray that Allah accepts our repentance and guide us along the path whose night is like its day.

This document was drafted April 11,2003. The document mentioned stating our aqeedah and manhaj will be forthcoming in a subsequent post insha'Allah.

Bismillah  WalHamdulillah Wa Salaatu wa Salaam ala Rasoolullah

My dear respected brothers and sisters

In an attempt to have clarity upon the manhaj of the Prophets (alaihimus salaatu wa salaam) and the Salaf as Salih we would like to put forth this retraction and clarification about the aqeedah, manhaj and dawah of the Boston Center for Propagation and Knowledge (Markaz ad Dawah wal 'Ilm).

Upon being introduced to what we were told was Salafiyyah, we began calling to what we were taught. We did not know then what has been made clear to us now, and that is what we were upon was not Salafiyyah, but Qutubiyyah, Ikhwaaniyyah, Surooriyyah and Hizbiyyah.

We have invited and given a platform to many of the callers who have been rebuked by the 'Ulema. The like of them being Ali at Timimi, Wajdi Ghazzawi, Muhammad Said Adly, Idris Palmer, Abu Usaamah adh Dhahabi, Abu Muslimah Taufiq.

We invited to the gatherings of  IANA, JIMAS, Bilal Philips and sponsored others. We distributed the magazine Al Jumuah, the newspaper Huda, and the books of Safar al Hawali. We were taught the teachings of Salman al Awdah and Safar al Hawali and Syed Qutb. We were away from the 'Ulema and were only receiving lessons from callers and those who were not grounded in the 'Usool of the manhaj as Salafiyyah.  

This day, we have separated ourselves from those teachings and from the individuals and organizations promoting those ideologies.  

Our thrust is to repent from all of those misgivings and to seek forgiveness from Allah for being astray and leading others astray. We wish to attach ourselves to the 'Ulema and the Salafiyyeen of this ummah.

For that purpose we have attached a statement of our aqeedah and our manhaj to be made public for advice and criticism. This document was drafted using some of the statements of the 'ulema, many of whom have comprised their aqeedah and manhaj. And we want it to be known that we are in need of guidance upon the manhaj.

Ayyub Bailey               
Abdul Malik Jackson          
Shakir Govan
Abu Hafs Bilaal McCloud     
Kojo Abdul Hadi

This message was edited by Admin on 9-24-03 @ 9:42 PM

Abu.Hafs.Bilaal    -- 24-09-2003 @ 9:02 PM
  As Salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu
As stated in an earlier post. Attached is the original retraction letter and statement of our dawah in Boston.
Indeed the Success is with Allah.

Admin    -- 24-09-2003 @ 9:44 PM
  Alhamdulillaah. Jazaakumullaah khayr yaa ikhwaan. We ask Allaah that He accepts from you and gives you aid and support in the path that you have started upon. We also invite all the Salafees to aid and encourage these brothers upon Salafiyyah and give them whatever advice and guidance they are in need of.

SalafiTalk.Net Admin

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