Topic: al-Qoosee wrongly praises QSS

salafibrother    -- 21-09-2003 @ 12:23 PM

Symposium 3 ? Title: ?Support QSS?
Dec 25th ? 29th 2002 Toronto Canada

Usaamah al-Qoosee: ?What we can attest to is that this Jam?eeah Qur?aan and Sunnah, it is the oldest, the oldest Salafee Jam?eeah in all of North America. It is the oldest one and it is the one that we deem as being the closest one to the Manhaj as-Salafee. It is upon the Manhaj as-Salafee, so therefore connect yourselves and tie yourselves to it. You and your children, in the way of support. Let your children come to benefit and learn from the programs. Let them ??

Possibly Usaamah al Qoosee forgot that he himself had advised QSS's mudeer about bringing (1) Safwat Noorideen to their conferences. Were they, QSS, upon the manhaj as salafee in this regard?
they also brought to their conferences individuals like (2)Warith Deen Muhammad, (3)Aboo Muslimah - while brothers in Philadelphia were warning against him and they themselves knew other things about him,(4)Adnaan 'Ar'oor (5)Muhammad Sayed Adly, (6)Yahya Ibraheem (7) Waleed al-Basiyooni

When QSS's mudeer was asked why they bring individuals like yahya ibrahim and waleed basiyooni they say 'we invitet them to give them dawah'.

Is this from the manhaj of as-salafee, to invite ppl who are themselves msiguiding others and say 'you are giving them dawah'? In the mean time they have confused a lot of ppl who were sincerely seeking true salafiyyah.

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