Topic: salafi site?

oummou.assia    -- 16-09-2003 @ 8:07 PM
  Bissmillahi ar rahmani ar rahim

assalamou 'alaykoum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakaatouh

i would like to know if the site is salafi, because there are great translations from the books of the 'ulama in it. Is this site related to the ibaanah magazine?

wa jazakoum Allahou khairan

wa Assalamou 'alaykoum.

al haqqou min rabbikoum

ekbal.hussain    -- 17-09-2003 @ 6:24 PM
  Wa Alaikumus Salam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

I remember brother Abdulilah (hafidhaullah) mentioned in one post, that Isma'eel alarcon (the brother behind the al-Ibanah website) made a mistake on an article he translated for SSNA (may Allah guide them or destroy them), which was about a discussion between Ash Shaikh Al-Allammah Muhammad Abdul Wahhab al-Banna (Hafidhaulah) and the deviant 'Shurocrat' Abdur Rahman Abdul Khaliq (May Allah guide him or break his back).  Abdulilah mentioned that Ismaeel had made some comments that were incorrect about the discussion, something like:

"...Look how Shaikh Muhammad Marzooq al-Banna treated Abdur Rahman Abdul Khaliq, what about those lesser than him.."  (can't remember the exact wording)

Abdulilah said that this comment was not correct.  Unfortunately I don't know where that post can be found.

I also have a question regarding the brother Isma'eel alarcon, I would like to know what he is currently upon?  Is he a CLEAR salafi?  And can we take from his website, I noticed that the Brothers of this Admin havn't removed the link?

Jazzak Umullahu Khairan.

ekbal.hussain    -- 17-09-2003 @ 6:44 PM
  Alhamdulillah! I found the post:

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