Topic: Regarding Mahmoud Murad of Riyaadh

Moosaa    -- 10-09-2003 @ 4:32 PM
  In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful...

Mahmoud Murad's name came up in a thread about a month or so ago.  He was visiting Sri Lanka, so some brothers had asked about him.  My response was, "perhaps someone could clarify his relationship with 'adnaan 'ur'oor (the innovator) and his position on him, may Allaah reward you?"

Since I had the opportunity to meet him when he visited Shaykh Rabee's house last week, I am able to answer my own question based on Mahmoud's own words, in shaa' Allaah, and also convey some other important information:

[1] He was the first chairman of QSS, before Al-Jibaly, and it was QSS that first brought 'Adnaan 'Ur'oor to America, and this was before Mahmoud knew anything wrong with him.  He wants everyone to know that he has severed ties with him, and this has been the case since he discovered his improper manhaj.  

[2] Similarly, he had no problem expressing his positions on Al-Ma'ribee, Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul-Khaaliq, and others.  Furthermore, he will remove the name of 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul-Khaaliq from the list of Imaam Al-Albaanee's students in the next edition of his series of books, based on the advice of Shaykh Rabee'.

[3] He also submitted a book on manhaj to Shaykh Rabee', and the shaykh agreed to review it for him.  He plans to publish the book in English and Arabic, in shaa' Allaah.

[4] He came in a very humble and respectful manner, something that Shaykh Rabee' noted about him.

Mahmoud wanted me to convey these things to the brothers and sisters of Salaftalk, hoping this will help everyone to understand "the Mahmoud Murad of today" as he put it, and he further wants everyone to know that he looks forward to cooperating with the Salafee websites.  

We ask Allaah that He grants Mahmoud and all of us success in attaining His Forgiveness and Pleasure.

Moosaa Richardson

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

abu.talhah.a    -- 10-09-2003 @ 10:48 PM
  Jazakallaah khair, Akh Moosaa.

And for your du'aa:
"We ask Allaah that He grants Mahmoud and all of us success in attaining His Forgiveness and Pleasure."


Aslam ibn Aftabuddin as-Saylaanee

irshadmuhammed    -- 11-09-2003 @ 4:05 AM
  akhee moosaa,

jazakallahu khairan

and for your Dua'

Irshad muhammed as-Saylani

ekbal.hussain    -- 11-09-2003 @ 12:35 PM
  Jazzak Allahu Khairan Akhi Moosaa!

This is Great news!  Allahu Akbar!

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