Topic: Masjid Al-Qawiyy presents "A Day with the Callers" (Various Speakers)

Umm.Layla    -- 06-09-2003 @ 1:20 AM
  As-salaamu Alaikum,

Please see the attachment regarding the upcoming
lecture entitled "A Day with the Callers".

Abu Uwais has been confirmed, walhamdulillah.

ADMISSION IS FREE, masha'allah.

As-salaamu Alaikum
Umm Layla

This message was edited by Umm.Layla on 9-12-03 @ 2:41 AM

Al.Khattakiy    -- 11-09-2003 @ 12:49 AM
  Salaam alaikum,

a brother brought the following to my attention, which i hope that you could clarify for him insha'Allaah..

On the above post it says that admission is free, but on the flyer it states:



which piece of information is correct? So that the brother can be sure insha'Allaah

Salaam alaikum

Aboo Ubayd Taariq Khaan Al-Khattakiy

This message was edited by Al.Khattakiy on 9-11-03 @ 1:02 AM

Umm.Layla    -- 11-09-2003 @ 1:17 AM
  As-salaamu Alaikum,

Admission is Free.  I am unaware of how to correct the attachment,
now that it has been posted.  

Umm Layla

Umm.Layla    -- 11-09-2003 @ 1:17 AM

This message was edited by Umm.Layla on 9-12-03 @ 2:41 AM

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