Topic: Who is Abdullah an-Nahaaree?

umm.idris    -- 05-06-2003 @ 8:19 PM
  As salaamu alaikum wa rahamtulah

Can anyone inform me as to who "Shaykh Abdullah an-Nahaaree" is?

jazakallahu khairun


'Uthmaan Ibn Haadir said, ?I said to ?Abdullaah Ibn ?Abbaas, ?Advise me.? He said, ?It is upon you to be upright, and follow the first affair (the way of the Prophet and his Companions), and do not innovate.

umm.idris    -- 19-06-2003 @ 2:18 PM
  As salaamu alaikum

Just bumping this up hoping to receive a reply, insha'allah.

'Uthmaan Ibn Haadir said, ?I said to ?Abdullaah Ibn ?Abbaas, ?Advise me.? He said, ?It is upon you to be upright, and follow the first affair (the way of the Prophet and his Companions), and do not innovate.    -- 19-06-2003 @ 10:19 PM
  Assalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh

I asked brother Khalid Bagais abt Shaykh Abdullah Nahaaree. He said he is salafi shaykh in jeddah originally from yemen. and Shaykh Rabee hafidhahullah recommended him. Khalid Bagais also said insha'Allaah in the website there will be full details abt him when it is ready.

and Allaah knows best

wa'alaykum salaam wa rahmatullah

abu ayyub al bukhari

This message was edited by on 6-19-03 @ 10:26 PM

umm.idris    -- 19-06-2003 @ 10:50 PM
  As salaamu alaikum

Barakallahu feek.

'Uthmaan Ibn Haadir said, ?I said to ?Abdullaah Ibn ?Abbaas, ?Advise me.? He said, ?It is upon you to be upright, and follow the first affair (the way of the Prophet and his Companions), and do not innovate.

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