Topic: What happened to the Search button??

ummtawaam    -- 05-06-2003 @ 5:26 AM
  Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

What happened to the search engine?   I never noticed it was gone til I needed it.

I am looking for the post by Moosa Richardson on the rawaatib prayers or sunnah prayers for 'Asr; daleel for that was posted looong time ago and I will be all day looking for it.

So...barakallaahu feekum,it would nice if you can bring the search button back.

As Salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullaah

Umm Tawaam

Make Jannah your goal in everything you do

abu.yusuf.iesaa    -- 05-06-2003 @ 2:17 PM
  as-salaam `alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu,

jazakillaahu gayran for opening this topic, becoz I was also searching for a post, and it was very difficult for me to do it without a search button.

I am sure there is a good reason for it.

So Maybe someone could help me with finding a topic about Abdallah Azzam.

Jazaakumullaahu gayran !

was-salaam `alaykum,

Iesaa aboo Yoosuf al-Ooroobi

abu.buthaina    -- 05-06-2003 @ 4:57 PM
  as-salaam alaykum,

Have you tried doing a search with the tool bar? (enter search topic here)

Al.Khattakiy    -- 05-06-2003 @ 6:03 PM
  Assalaamu Alakikum

The search engine that used to be on this site has probably been removed when this site stopped working a couple of weeks back, so they had to remove some of the the following click, and it shud b expalined...

Wallaahu A'alam

Taariq Al-Khattakiy

Admin    -- 05-06-2003 @ 7:07 PM
  The search feature has been removed for now, because it appeared that a large number of users were simultaneously using the search feature causing the whole site to slow down for other users. If we can improve it we will try to restore it as soon as possible.

SalafiTalk.Net Admin

awzan.ibn.badr    -- 05-06-2003 @ 7:25 PM
  Assalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

The "Today's active discussion" feature was jayyid also, please admin,
if that could return too, inshaaAllaah!

jazaakumullaahu khayran for your efforts in administrating these forums.

Allaah says:
"Allaah burdens not a person beyond his scope..." (2:286)

Wassalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh
Aboo 'Ubayd at-turkee

aboo 'Ubayd al-Athari as-Salafi

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