Topic: Where is Parts 8 and 9 of the article?.......

ekbal.hussain    -- 16-05-2003 @ 3:57 PM
  Assala mu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

The brothers at: did a whole series of EXCELLENT articles called:

'As-Sawa'iq as-Salafiyyah al-Mursalah 'Alal Afkar al Qutubiyyah wal Mudammirah'

So far the series has Parts 1-7 and then continues onto Parts 10-11.  There seems to be no Parts 8 or 9?  I went to the website to look for Parts 8-9, but I couldn't find them.  Can anyone direct me to parts 8 and 9 of the series.

Also I remember there was a series of articles called 'the Halabi papers', I couldn't find them either.  Perhaps I could have missed the above articles, so if anybody knows where they are, could you please direct me to them.

Jazzak umullahu khair

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