Topic: The Enemies of Salafiyyah Shall Never Succeed

Ahmad.Assing    -- 17-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  Said al-'Allaamah Saalih Ibn Fawzaan al-Fawzaan - hafidhahullaah- in warning against the enemies of the callers to Tawheed, "Indeed, the enemies of this da'wah (call) have tried to use force in dismantling it, yet they did not succeed. So they tried to gain influence over it by causing doubt and uncertainty and acusations of misguidance, and they describe it with negative descriptions, so they did not increase it except in radiance, clarity and acceptance. After that comes the era in which we are now living, where strange and doubtful calls ahve entered into our country in the name of da'wah. Now there many Jamaa'aat, with different names, such as al-Ikhwaanul-Muslimeen, Jamaa'aatut-Tableegh and the Jamaa'ah of so and so. And their goal is one, and that is to drive away the call to Tawheed and to take its place." Refer to the intrduction to the book, Haqeeqatud-Da'wah illaahi Ta'aalaa (p. 3).

He also stated, "So when the writers and speakers from amongst our own youth warn us against the ideological attack (al-ghazwal-fikree), then which ideological attact is more dangerous that this attack? So the obligation is to remove the problem from its very foundations and to direct attention towards it." Refer to the intrduction to the book, Haqeeqatud-Da'wah illaahi Ta'aalaa (p. 4).

source: TROID News Letter June/July 2001

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