Topic: Foolishness

AbuYusufAlKashmiri    -- 16-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM
Here?s another nice poem of Imaam Shaafiee?, similar to the one akh Moosa put up.

                               قال الإمام الشافعيّ رحمه الله
   يخاطبني السفيه بكل قبح
فأكره أن أكون له مجيبا                          
يزيد سفاهة فأزيد حلما
كعود زاده الإحراق طيبا    

    Imaam Ash-Shaafiee?, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

?The fool addresses me with every ugliness,
                              so I hate to be one who replies to him.
He increases in stupidity and I increase in patience,
                       like aloes wood* increased in scent by burning.?

Aloes wood = عود  (?ood)

Abu Yusuf

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