Topic: An Advice to the Sisters of Salafi Sisters E-Group by Ummul ?Abbaas bint 'Abdil-Walee

Moosaa    -- 11-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  As-Salaamu 'alaykum -

1) Umm Saalih, may Allaah increase her in goodnes, informed me that she has already accepted this advice and found it to be true.  She has already removed Om Rafiq from the list.

2) We (my wife and I) never intended this email to be spread to the public, but the people of fitnah have found it somehow and got their hands on it.  In actuality, they have only exposed one of my wife's good deeds, may Allaah reward her.

3) Umm Saalih's action of removing Om Rafiq from the salafisisters list shows her desire to be correct.  May Allaah reward her.  I would further encourage anyone who has any advice about her list to convey it to her as the Deen is Naseehah, and she is showing that she is from those who take advice and act upon it.  May Allaah make us all like that.

4) Her response to the hizbees on their message board was a mistake as she admits.  I further encourage all salafees to not reply to them with anything as it only causes them to rejoice when they are recognized.  One of the brothers recently responded to them on salafitalk about another issue, and they rejoiced and rejoiced because they were acknowledged.  This shows the wisdom in the admin's policy of not posting fitnah from other boards and busying ourselves with beneficial knowledge.


سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

Moosaa    -- 11-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  Furthermore, she has made a public announcement on her list about Om Rafiq's removal, and also prohibited members from posting any of that sister's old material.

May Allaah reward her.

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

Admin    -- 11-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  We would like to emphasize the strict policy of this board that members do not waste time in addressing what is posted on other discussion boards, most of which is unfounded lies, slanders and rumours. Most of these people who are unknowns are just there to hinder the Salafees from learning and from mutually benefiting from each other. And in reality, this is what most of their boards are full of. There is very little knowledge to be found on those boards, nothing original and no students of knowledge are to be found, showing the hollowness of these boards. The only way they gain some attention is by spreading controversy, and entering into matters that they have no knowledge of, such as when fitnahs emerge (like that of Abul-Fitan al-Maribee), only to cause more confusion and misguidance. This is the bulk of what they have and this is what attracts others to their boards.

So we emphasize this once more, leave the Hizbees alone (to continue in their falsehood), don't give them any worth, and their dawah will die along with them. Many of them only outwardly portray Salafiyyah to get the attention and when they get it, it makes them more bold. If you were to leave them and abandon them and pay no attention to them, they will soon reveal their true and real colours which is that they are far away from Salafiyyah, and you will see them befriending many amongst the people of Hizbiyyah.

Also there are many people who got affected by the fitnah of Abul-Hasan al-Maribee who are going on these boards and raising doubts and spreading lies about the Salafee Du'aat, and all of this is due to outright jealousy and hatred. Because they were exposed in the fitnah of Abul-Hasan, it is a vengeance trip for them to get their own back. They had tamyee', corruption in walaa and baraa before the fitnah of Abul-Hasan,  and during and after this fitnah, it just came out in the open and got even worse. Just leave them and let their burdens increase.

However, there are a few exceptions to this policy which is that if clear outright lies are being spread against any Salafee, or against any clearly Salafee organisation, or against any of the people of knowledge or against the deen, or aqeedah or manhaj, which can be harmful if left to spread, then it is appropriate to respond to it but without mentioning the names of these people, and giving them any spotlight. Rather, you may say, "The following claim has been spread..." or "Someone has said..." and so on. So the intent is to clarify the rumour, or lie or slander, and to remain focused upon that, but not to give any attention or any focus on the Hizbee or Hizbee source of information, so as to give them more than what they deserve. And again, if anyone wishes to address something of this nature, please consult the admin and other students of knowledge on this board first to make sure the appropriateness of any response. However, the majority of the time, most of what they write is pathetic and not even worth giving any attention.

Alhamdulillaah, they give us enough advertisement already by filling their boards about this site and other well known Salafee sites so let us not return the favour to them.

SalafiTalk.Net Admin

This message was edited by Admin on 3-11-03 @ 11:48 AM

Moosaa    -- 11-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM


And besides, the salafee should be honored to be slandered along side of the 'ulamaa' on hizbee forums...

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

Umm.Asiyah    -- 11-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  Asalam aleikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu,
Jaza kallahu khairun for the warning. Allhamdullilah that Allah subhannah wataala guided me to the right path. I´m not one of the Major Ulammas neighbour thou i Pray that if i live a long life Allah will bless me with this Blessing Ameen or in Janaah Ameen. Right now my neighbour is a kafir who has three dogs but Allhamdullilah Allah blessed me with a few salafee sisters who live nearby and my Allah bless us with Hijrah.

The point is not to talk about my situation now but what i want to say is about the favour my Lord Most High blessed me with. I used to live in a small village called Runyenjes in Kenya i.e Africa. Most of the people there were christians and i was raised up by a family that did not even pray thou we called ourselves muslims MAY ALLAH GUIDE THEM ALL. I was taken to a catholic missionary school were i used to go to church everyday but what my family did right was that they had taught me the shahadah and that i was not to go eat the bread which they claim is the body of jesus( May Allah´s curse be upon them).All praise be to Allah who after that guided me to scandinavia where i was lost to the like of ikwaani muslimoon thou i did not buy their falsehood then i was in jahiliyah then Allah guided me to the RIGHT PATH as by following the likes of sheikh Albani, ibn baaz, ibn utaymeen and sheikh muqbil May Allah forgive them and reward them for every good they did. And may he subhannah preserve the like of sheikh Rabee and all the salafee ulaamaa.

The point with my story is to show what a blessing Allah has bestowed on a servant even if he/ she is not a neighbour of sheikh Rabee or the likes of him we can benefit from the ulaamaa even if we are 100 of miles away by tapes or through paltalk and a neighbour of Him is deprived of such a blessing!!waallahu mustaan
Praise be to Ar RAHMAN!!!!

The people of Hadeeth are the people of the Messenger, sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam, although They accompany him not, they are with his every movement.

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