Topic: IANA influenced by Muslim Brotherhood

fath.ul-majeed    -- 03-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa Ashrafil-Anbiyaa wal-Mursaleen, wa ba'd:

The following was reported in the Arab News of Saudi Arabia today; 03 March 2003 / 30 Dhul Hijjah 1423.

US ?Decides Not to Blacklist Kingdom Over Religion?

By P.K. Abdul Ghafour, Arab News Staff

JEDDAH, 3 March 2003

........Meanwhile, the Saudi Embassy in Washington affirmed yesterday that it had no connection with the Islamic Assembly of North America, based in Michigan, which has been accused of promoting violence against the United States.

?The embassy has no contacts with this organization and has not provided it with any financial assistance,? said Ahmed Qattan, deputy chief of the Saudi mission.

Qattan said the embassy does not agree with many of IANA?s ideas and programs, adding that the assembly was influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood organization.

Referring to the arrest of Saudi student Sami Omar Al-Hussein in the US for providing financial assistance to IANA, he said the Saudi government and embassy were not responsible for the wrongdoings of any Saudi individual. However, Qattan said the embassy will provide all possible help to Saudis arrested in the US.

?We?ll appoint lawyers to fight their cases and prove their innocence,? he explained.

The indictment against Al-Hussein alleged he provided computer services and advice to websites that ?advocated violence against the United States.? The indictment alleged that Al-Hussein received a monthly living stipend and tuition aid from the Saudi government.

?The Saudi government and its embassies all over the world provide assistance to Saudi citizens for studies and medical treatment. This does not mean the state or the embassy or the ambassador were responsible or support the wrong actions of Saudi individuals,? Qattan said.

al-Hamdu-Lillaah, this is a fact that Ahul Sunnah was well aware for many years the true realites of IANA that it is an Ikwani organisation whose allies are the likes of Ali Tameemi, Idris Palmer, Jammal al-Din Zarabozo, M. S. Adly and others such as them. Our brothers at SalafiPublication and TROID had exposed IANA and their cohorts many years ago and you can find the refutations of them on; and

This message was edited by fath.ul-majeed on 3-3-03 @ 2:45 PM

abulqayyim    -- 04-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  as salaamu alaikum this was an article in time magazine look at what the kuffaar say about these two individuals that was known all along:

Clicking On Terrorism
Investigators take on the links between Islamic fundamentalists and the Internet

Sunday, Mar. 02, 2003
The arrest and indictment of a Saudi graduate student in Idaho last week may have been an important first step in busting up the burgeoning links between Islamic extremism and the World Wide Web. Sami Omar al-Hussayen, a Ph.D. candidate in computer security at the University of Idaho, was charged with violating conditions of his student visa by registering and maintaining a dozen militant websites promoting violence against U.S. interests. U.S. officials want to know more about al-Hussayen's work for the sponsor of most of these sites, the radical Islamic Assembly of North America (IANA), a Michigan-based group known as one of the most strident voices of Islam on the Web. IANA hosted the websites of TWO RADICAL SAUDI SHEIKS ? SALMAN AL-AWDAH AND SAFAR AL-HAWALI ? BOTH OF WHOM ARE CLOSELY ASSOCIATED WITH OSAMA BIN LADEN AND WHO PROVIDED RELIGIOUS JUSTIFICATION FOR THE SEPT. 11 ATTACKS, according to the SITE Institute, a Washington-based terrorist-research group that monitors the Internet. In the recent German trial of Mounir El Motassadeq, an accomplice of the hijackers, prosecutors revealed phone calls between him and both clerics.

Al-Hussayen's case also may provide fresh evidence that at least some of these anti-American websites are being supported by funds coming from Saudi Arabia. Al-Hussayen is accused of covertly receiving $300,000 from abroad and disbursing much of it to IANA. Law-enforcement sources tell TIME that about $100,000 of those funds came from radical Islamic interests in Saudi Arabia. A Saudi-embassy spokesman in Washington said no government money has gone to IANA.

From the Mar. 10, 2003 issue of TIME magazine

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