Topic: Info on permissible of Meat of Ahlul Kitaab

ummtawaam    -- 03-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  As Salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh

Brothers and Sisters of this forum:

May Allaah bless each and every one of you and keep us Firm on the Deen of Al-Islaam.

The subject of the permissible meat in America is it permissible or not has come up again and we need further clarification so we are adhereing to the quraan and sunnah. First we had a fatwa by bin Baz, rahimuhullaah that it was permissible then later I read a fatwa by Shaikh Humaid that differed with Shaikh bin Baz's but I don't go to that website any more.

Please, may Allaah grant you good in this life and the next, ameen and post info on this matter for us to adhere to in America concerning the meat here. Also, the issue here is one that the slaughter houses have been known to stun the animals before slaughtering! So this would make the meat unfit because of the pain to the animal. Is this correct or not?

Barakallaahu feeki.
Was Salaams.

Make Jannah your goal in everything you do

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