Topic: Beneficial Sites from Qur'aan Complex

dksadiq    -- 29-09-2010 @ 5:17 PM
  as-Salaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh ikhwaan,

Alhamdulillaah, the King Fahd Complex for printing the Masaahif of the Qur'aan has come up with a number of excellent, beneficial websites including:

- [url=]Learning the Qur'aan with voice guidance[/url] (it seems this is for the blind)
- [url=]Medinah Mushaf Software for Pocket PC[/url]
- [url=]Medinah Mushaf Publishing Software[/url] (for including verses into MS Word files, and other types of documents)
-[url=]Some of the Complex's publications in image form[/url] (a variety of Mushaf types & interpretations of the Qur'aan in other languages)
- [url=]Qur'aan Audio Library[/url] (includes Qur'aan audio plus interpretations into a number of languages - can be downloaded)
- [url=]Interpretation of the Qur'aan in sign language[/url]
- [url=]Virtual Tour of the Complex[/url]

plus a few others ...

جزاهم الله خيرا كثيرا. May Allah reward the Scholars of Saudi & it's government for their support of this Deen.

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