Topic: Who is Ahmad Ali?

ekbal.hussain    -- 10-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  Assal mu alaikum ikhwaan

Could any brother give me some information about someone called Ahmad Ali from Bradford.  What is he upon?  His Aqeedah and manhaj?  I am trying to give da'wah to this newly practising brother and he has a lot of tapes, by this individual.  If you know of any errors in aqeedah from this man, in any of his tapes, please post them onto the forum, with the references.  Maybe the brothers of, could shed some light on this man's methodology and who he associates with, otherwise anyone would do.

Barrak allahu feek.


ekbal.hussain    -- 10-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  Assala mu alaykum

I have just found out that he is an 'alim' from the tablighi jamah sect.  Perhaps this might make it easier for you brothers to recognise him.

wasimk    -- 11-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  AssalamuAlaikum Wa Rahmatullah, Yes akhee, we at Bradford do know this man who for sure, for sure is no Alim.

Firstly this 'Alim' title is given to all those tablighi deobandis who graduate from Darul-Bidah, Bury once they complete their 7 year course there and after 9 years they are titled with 'Mufti'. I think that alone would be sufficient to understand the foolishness of these people.

To briefly explain, Ahmad Ali is a Deobandi, tablighi, Soofee, Ashari, Hanafi Muqalid who has little knowledge and in reality is extremely ignorant. His errors in aqeedah can be clearly seen in some of his tapes where he promotes the concept of using the dead as intermediaries to get closer to Allah. We know this man from personal experience akhee so I advise you distant from all that is associated with him whether this be cassettes, books etc.

Wassalam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah

This message was edited by wasimk on 1-11-03 @ 10:09 PM

ekbal.hussain    -- 12-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  Assala mu alaikum

Jazzak allahu khair akhi, may Allah preserve you and the Brothers of Bradford upon Good!  Your reply is very valuable to me.  

Akhi would you be able to give me the reference of the tape, where this idiot promotes the concept of using the dead as intermediaries, as I myself have never listened to this man's tapes, and don't intent to either.

I have no doubt about this man's deviation, the fact that he is from the bankrupt sect of tablighi jamaat, is proof enough for me. My reason for asking this question, is because I know this newly practiclng brother (see my first post), who I am trying to call to the way of the Salaf, and to show this brother the deviation of this miskeen.  I did mention to him, that this man is from the deobandees, and the 'DEO-BANDITS', are known to call to Saint worship and other calamaties.  However the brother insisted that he has never come across this, as he claimed he has a whole collection of tapes by this 'Deo Bandit'.  I told him that he should be careful who he takes his knowlledge from, and not to be fooled by any Abdullah, Amr and Mubtadi who claims to be a 'Alim', I offered to get more info on this 'deo bandit'and what he is upon and present it to him.  So if you know of any statements in his tapes that oppose the aqeedah/manhaj of Ahl us sunnah wa'l jama'ah, please present it, with the reference of which tape it is from, and I will show it to the brother , and I will show him how this man opposes the way of the salaf.

Barrak allahu feek

Ekbal as-salafi al-Bangali


wasimk    -- 12-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  Walaikum Assalam Wa Rahmatullah,

Akhee, you can find the reference of him promoting the waseelah of the dead, in his book and cassette: "Imaam Bukhari: His life and works" page 37. Also, to add, his teacher, which he opens the book with praise of him is none other than Yusuf Motala, the grand sheikh of bury. This man wrote a introduction to a book on his website where statements of shirk were expressed in its severest form, the book was called "The Life and Miracles of Moosaji Tadkeshwari". And we seek refuge in Allah.

I hope this is sufficient insha'allah.

Wassalam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah

This message was edited by wasimk on 1-12-03 @ 1:01 AM

ekbal.hussain    -- 13-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  Assala mu alaykum

JAZZAK ALLAHU KHAIR ya akhi!  This is excellent!  Yes akhi, what you have
given me is more than sufficient.  I also remember a year ago, when I first started to hear about this man, I was told that in one of his tapes he calls to waseelah of the dead.  Alhamdu lillah now you have provided me with the reference for this.  This man has become very popular, all of a sudden in my local area.  The ikhwanul Mufliseen, Young Muslim Organistion (Young Muslim Destruction), are selling the tapes of this khabeeth to the young generation to listen to.  These evil ikhwanees don't even care what they are selling and promoting to the innocent muslims, may Allah guide these people or may He rid the earth of the filth and scum of these shayateen, and save us and the muslims from their poison.  Ameen!

Ekbal as-salafi al-Bangali


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