Topic: For Duat or Scholars to answer

Tameka    -- 26-05-2010 @ 11:47 PM
  As Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmahtullah wa Barakatu;

    To say Ameen with the Imaam or after the Imaam in congretional salat. which is correct or most correct.

This is a request from my Husband which is incarcerated at this time Maa Sha Allah.

Barak Allahu Feek,
I thank you for all time and effort to answer this question and to provide the daleel for it, also the time and effort placed to complete this request.

(Tameka) Halima Amatullah!

I am grateful to be a believer!!!

abuaaliyah    -- 28-05-2010 @ 8:42 AM
  Imam Al-Bukhari titled a sub chpater in his Saheeh called " The Followers of the Imam say" Ameen."

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) said:
"When the Imam says," Not like those who earned Your anger or went astray." Say Ameen. If a
person's words are said the same time as the Angels, his past sins will be forgiven." [ Bukhari 782]

Shaykh Al-Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said: " This means when the Imam begins to
say Ameen or reaches the place where Ameen is said. This doesn't mean when the Imam finishes
saying Ameen you say it.Based on this hadeeth the Imam and his followers say Ameen at the same
time. And the Angels behind them say it as well at the same time.[Explanation for Saheeh Bukhari
for above number hadeeth]

ummmusa88    -- 28-05-2010 @ 9:20 AM
  asalamu alaiki wa rahmatullah,

i am just copy pasting from shaykh al albaanee's book on the salat - the
prophet's prayer described - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

The Aameen, And The Imaam's Saying It Loudly

When he (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) finished reciting al-Faatihah, he
would say:

aameen loudly, prolonging his voice. [149]

He also used to order the congregation to say aameen:

When the imaam says,

"Not of those who receive (Your) anger, nor of those who go astray", then
say "aameen" [for the angels say "aameen" and the imaam says aameen"] (in
another narration: when the imaam says "aameen" say "aameen"), so he whose
aameen coincides with the aameen of the angels (in another narration: when
one of you says "aameen" in prayer and the angels in the sky say "aameen",
and they coincide), his past sins are forgiven.ý[150] In another hadeeth:
...then say aameen; Allaah will answer you. [151]

He also used to say:

The Jews do not envy you over anything as much as they envy you over the
salutation and aameen [behind the imaam].[152]

[149] al-Bukhaaree in Juz' al-Qiraa.ah and Abu Daawood with a saheeh

[150] al-Bukhaaree, Muslim,, and ad-Daarimee; the additional
wordings are reported by the latter two, and prove that this hadeeth cannot
justify that the imaam does not say aameen, as reported from Maalik; hence,
Ibn Hajar says in Fat.hul-Baaree, "It clearly shows that the imaam says
aameen." Ibn `Abdul Barr says in Tamheed (7/[13), "It is the view of the
majority of the Muslims, including Maalik as the people of Madeenah report
from him, for it is authentic from Allaah's Messenger (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe
wa sallam) through the ahaadeeth of Abu Hurayrah (i.e. this one) and that
of ibn Hujr (i.e. the previous one)."

[151] Muslim and Abu `Awaanah.

[152] al-Bukhaaree in al-Adab al-Mufrad, Ibn Maajah, Ibn Khuzaymah, Ahmad
and Siraaj with two saheeh isnaads.

*NB: The aameen of the congregation behind the imaam should be done loudly
and simultaneously with the imaam, not before him as the
majority of worshippers do, nor after him. This is what I
finally find most convincing, as I have explained in some of my works,
among them Silsilat al-ahaadeeth ad-da`eefah (no. 952, vol. 2) which has
been printed and published by the grace of Allaah, and Saheeh at-Targheeb
wat-Tarheeb (1/205). See Appendix 6.

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