Topic: Warning:Paltalk makes "viewable" some of your personal info

Amatullaah    -- 06-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

It has just come to the attention of some of the sisters who use paltalk that some of their personal info is being shown on the "pal info" without their knowledge and also the fact it wasn't viewable to others before.

I think paltalk may have been updated and maybe this is one of the reasons as to why the info is being shown and also for the corrupt reasons of the kuffaar to show info of other men and women.
Allaahu musta'aan.

However you can hide your personal info as before by clicking on 'file' on your paltalk screen and then clicking on 'palprofiles'. You then click on 'create/edit my profile'. Next click on 'my palatalk', you will have to log in to your personal paltalk. A page should come up and on the side it will say 'my pal info'. Click on there and some of your details should come up, notice that where it says "viewable", its highlighted on the "yes"!
It can be updated by changing it to the "no" inshaAllaah. Therefore there will be no info viewable to others any more.
I hope this makes sense inshaAllaah.

May we all benefit from the lectures that are bought to us via paltalk and May Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'alaa keep us away from the fitnah inshaAllaah.

Was salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah

abu.bilal    -- 07-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  Asalaamu alaikum

What you have written, re: personal info., should tell all of us, inshallah - why it is better NOT to provide ANY information to other than sites that are secure.  Paltalk, hotmail, yahoo and other than them... dangerous places to trust with any type of info. Paltalk is Tabaa'an newaz, except for the Spubs; TROID; and Salafi Duroos programs.

Know that Islaam is the Sunnah and the Sunnah is Islaam and one of them
cannot be established without the other.

Al-Imaam Al-Barbahaaree in Sharhus-Sunnah.

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