Topic: How to react/Handel certain situations with your family.

Muslima346    -- 31-01-2010 @ 12:52 PM
  As-salaamu alikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

First of all i praise Allah ta'ala for you all, there is no god but Him and I ask Him with his clean names and his perfect qualities to protect you against all evil.

So i have had some situations going on with family members, I have a hard time because i am the only one and youngest practising the deen and it is so hard for me to have Sabr, when they listen to music when im with them, or make jokes about me and try to hurt me, etc now i know i have to have Sabr, but how should i react? and what is the best thing i can do when they yell at me and so on?
im really confused.

May Allah's blessings be upon Muhammad Sallalahu 'alayhi wa sallam and his family and Companions.

wa alaikum as salaam.

'O Muslims, Donýt Be Fooled, The Deceptive Innovator Will Always Approach You With a Smiling Face..'

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