Topic: Special Event for Non-Muslims with shaikh al Burayk

Mohamed.Shabana    -- 02-10-2009 @ 11:13 AM
  Dear brothers and sisters;

The below event is geared towards making Dawah to non-Muslims.
The speaker will be shaikh Hani bin Burayk.
Brother Hani bin Burayk of Yemen was a student of shaikh Muqbil rahmahi Allah and shaikh Mahammad bin Salih al Uthaimeen rahimahu Allah. He is currently a student of shaikh Mohammad abdul wahhab al Banna in Saudi Arabia. He also teaches at his masjid.

Organizer: ""
When: Sunday, October 04, 2009 5:30:00 PM - 7:00 PM (GMT-05:00) Eastern Standard Time insha'a Allah.
The show "What Is Islaam and The benefits of Acceptance" will air Sunday, October 04, 2009 5:30:00 PM - 7:00 PM (GMT-05:00) Eastern Standard Time. Copy or click the following link:
And do not forget, if you want to call in live and speak with the host, be sure to dial (347)215-7527. You will be placed into the caller queue where you will still be able to hear the show while you are on hold. Enjoy the show, BlogTalkRadio Staff

This event will also be in Masjid as-Sahaaba, Columbus, Ohio paltalk room. Please make sure to spread this event to non-Muslims as best as you can.

Barak Allahu Feekum

Mohamed bin Shabana abu-Sa'ad Columbus, Ohio, USA
Masjid as-Sahaaba
795 e.Hudson st.
Columbus, OH 43211
(614)262-8511 masjid
(614)622-5396 Cell

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