Topic: Queen Mary Uni Seminar

HaneefbinSandhar    -- 25-05-2009 @ 9:20 PM
Lectures at Queen Mary University

Queen Mary University Somali Society Presnts...

Sticking to the sunnah and staying away from extremism.

Hasan As-Somalee & Abu Khadeejah- Al-Jazaa'iree

Thursday 28th May 2009
From 2:00pm inshaAllah

Drapers Lecture Theatre, Queen Mary University London
Mile End Road. London E14

Books, CD's, Attar and thobes sold

Charity donations also needed to support further projects

upon_the_haqq    -- 26-05-2009 @ 1:03 AM
  Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmutallahi wa barakatuh,

BarakaAllaahu feek for the beneficial post, do you know what time the lectures finish? Also, directions from when you are in the campus would be helpful Insha'Allaah.

Al-Hasan Al-Basrý ý Allah have mercy on him ý said:

When a man sought knowledge, it would not be long before it could be seen in his humbleness, his sight, upon his tongue and his hands, in his prayer, in his speech and in his disinterest (zuhd) in wo

Abu.Sulaim    -- 26-05-2009 @ 9:22 PM
Wa'alaykum Salaam Warah'matullaah,

The Lectures should finish at approximately 6pm.

As for how to get on the actual campus and lecture theatre, than try and look for Geography Department. Once you are at the department then there should be the necessary 'signs' to direct brothers & sisters to the lecture theatre.

If anyone has any difficulties in this, than you can always call the organizer:

Abul Husain Naufal  0794 994 21 45

* Nearest Station - Mile End Station (District Line, Central Line)

Wassalaamu 'Alaykum Warah'matullaah,

naufal    -- 27-05-2009 @ 7:38 PM
  Salamu Alaikum
Just to add on to the event

For Brothers it is at Drapers Lecture Theatre, Geography Building
As for sisters, the lecture will be at Skeels Lecture Theatre, Queens Building.
If the brothers can't find the allocated room, please contact me on 07949942145
If the sisters can't find the allocated room, then either contact me on 07949942145 or come to drapers and the direction to the room will be provided.

Nearest Train Station: Mile End
Map available on the following link:


Although the event is organised under the banner of Queen Mary Somali Society, the islamic talks were organised by the Salafi Brothers at Queen Mary University. We are an independent body, free from any society which does not promote salafiyyah in origin. We're grateful firstly to Allah, and after Him the Somali Society for letting us have the opportunity to bring Salafi Speakers. Hopefully in the future, the events will be organised by a society owned by the Salafi Brothers insha Allah.

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