Topic: Usool us Sunnah tele-link with Shaykh Anjari organized by Sri-Lankan brothers

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 07-04-2009 @ 1:33 AM
  Assalamu Alaikum

There is a Telelink Class organized every other(fortnightly) Sunday at 9.30am till 10.15am starting Sunday 5th of April 2009 (1st Class) InshaAllah.

Venue : Masjid Al Huda and the Class will be taken By Our Noble Shaikh Muhammad Al Anjaree Hafidhaullah

Book: Usoolus-Sunnah of Imaam Ahmad but that could change.

For any reason the telelink class is not held,We will be reading Usool uth Thalatha from the Explanation of Imam Ibn Baz Rahimaullah

We request the brothers to be serious. And please bring along the books Usool us Sunnah and Usool uth Thalatha( arabic/english).

Any futher info could be obtained from the Masjid office or from Moulavi Hanan 0779071108

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