Topic: Telelink with Esteemed Shaykh Hamad bin ıAbdul-ıAzeez Al-ıAteeq, from Riyadh

Mohamed.Shabana    -- 07-01-2009 @ 11:36 PM
  Bismillaah was salaatu was salaam 'ala Rasoolillaah, sallaahu alayhe was salaam, wa 'ala ahlihi was sahbihi ajmaa'een

Ama Ba'ad:

As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh

Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil 'Alameen!

DTSSBC is pleased to announced that, by the permission of Allaah azza wa jal, we will be having LIVE weekly telelink lectures.  Our Esteemed Shaykh Hamad bin ıAbdul-ıAzeez Al-ıAteeq, from Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), may Allaah preserve him, has agreed to give us weekly tele link lectures on "Establishing Our Households Upon Salafeeyah".

Insha Allaah we will begin with the Shaykh this Saturday 14 Muharram 1430 AH (January 10, 2009) at 12pm EST (8pm AST) and the class will be every Saturday thereafter at the same time.

Insha Allaah, please visit for the flyer which contains all the info needed to listen via telephone or for our international listeners, via the DTSSBC Hot Conference Room

Furthermore, these lectures will be translated by our noble brother Mohamed Shabana Insha Allaah.

Please forward for all to benefit Insha Allaah.

Barakallaahu feekum


Mohamed bin Shabana abu-Sa'ad Columbus, Ohio, USA
Masjid as-Sahaaba
795 e.Hudson st.
Columbus, OH 43211
(614)262-8511 masjid
(614)622-5396 Cell

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