Topic: Lessons at Acton

Hamdi    -- 25-12-2008 @ 10:13 AM
  Asalamu alykum wa rahmatullahi wa baraktu sisters

I just wanted to post and say that there are Lesson at Acton Oak tree centre every sunday mornings. The Lessons are by the brother Abu Khadejah al-jazaa'iree hafidullah. The Brother goes through: Explanation of the three fundamental principles by sh. Ubayd Al-Jabiree, Minhaj As-Saalikeen (Imam Nasir As-Sa'adi)and the Etiquettes of seeking knowlege by Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd.

The Lessons start at 09:00am-11:30

Every sunday
please note these lessons are for sisters

Umm yahya Bint Muhammed

BintSahra    -- 30-12-2008 @ 8:54 PM
  Assalaamu Alaykum Warahmatulaahi Wabarakatuh Ukhti,

Can you give me the address to this place please.

Barakallaahu feeki

Hamdi    -- 31-12-2008 @ 7:32 PM
  wa alykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu ukhti
erm yeah sure ukhti, the lessons will be back on not this week but next week inshallah due to the two week holidays the hall isnt available.

The address is :
Oaktree Community Centre
Osbourne Road
Acton, London
W3 8TY

You could take the train to acton town train station and you will have to walk down into south Acton estate.
Inshallah if any one needs more info feel free to ask.
Asalamu alykum

Umm yahya Hamdi bint Muhammed

BintSahra    -- 04-01-2009 @ 12:05 AM
  Assalaamu Alaykum Warahmatulaah,

Do the students memorise these books?

"Explanation of the three fundamental principles by sh. Ubayd Al-Jabiree, Minhaj As-Saalikeen (Imam Nasir As-Sa'adi)and the Etiquettes of seeking knowlege by Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd."

And doesbrother Abu Khadejah al-jazaa'iree go through them all on the same day? Where abouts in the books are you now?

Barakallaahu feeki

Umm_Abdillaah    -- 11-01-2009 @ 11:18 PM
  salaam'alaykum, are the lessons in arabic ukht?

Hamdi    -- 12-01-2009 @ 9:14 PM
  wa alykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu

Yes ukhti the lessons are in arabic, the brother speaks in Arabic then someone else translates in English.
(Due to the bigger hall being available, the lessons are not exclusively for sisters only, brothers welcome)
Asalamu alykum

Umm Yahya bint Muhammed

AbuSafiiyah    -- 02-03-2009 @ 5:46 PM
  Wa Alaykum Salaam Wa Rahma'tullaahi Wa Baraakatu

Is the hall segregated and can it be heard on Paltalk inshaa'Allaah?

And can you tell me how far along the class is in the Explanation of the Three Fundamental Principles by Shaykh Ubayd Al-Jabiree?

Hamdi    -- 08-03-2009 @ 1:00 AM
  Asalamu alykum,
yes the hall is segregated akhee, and alhamdulillah we are only on the first principle. We are not that far alhamdulillah, he was explaining the introduction for a while for the students to understand. Im sorry i don't think it's on paltalk.

Umm yahya bint muhammed

-The lessons are still taking place.

Ummsalima    -- 27-03-2009 @ 6:42 PM
  Assalamu Alaykoum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

Could you tell me if these lessons in Acton are still taking place? I would like to go insha'Allaah as it is not far from where I live.
JazakAllaah Khair sister

UmmAyub93    -- 03-04-2009 @ 6:28 PM
  Wa Alakum Salam

Ukhti They are still going on..Inshallah they start at 9:30..and Also there will be some quran classes for sisters afterwards at 12:00 inshallah.

Wa Kula Muhdathatin Bidah, Wa Kula Bidah dalala, wa kula dalalata fin NAR

Umm Ayub

Ummsalima    -- 03-04-2009 @ 8:39 PM
  Assalamu Alaykoum ukhti

JazakAllaah Khair. I went for the first time last Sunday and it was a very good lesson, masha'Allaah.

May Allaah bless you and your family..Ameen

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