Topic: West London Conference 1st to 3rd Aug 08 @ Masjid As-Sunnah

HaneefbinSandhar    -- 23-07-2008 @ 1:48 PM
Bismillahir- Rahmanir- Raheem.

As-salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu

All Hamd is for Allah and may the Salaat & Salaam be upon the Messenger of Allah, his pure family, his noble companions and all those who follow in their way until the final hour.

West London Annual Summer Conference 1st, 2nd & 3rd of August InshaAllah

Please note that Saturday and Sunday talks will start at 2pm inshaAllah

Please do not block the neighbour's driveways when you park.

Talks will be until late so sisters are advised to leave before Maghrib if they do not have private transportation

Food, Books, CD's, Attar and More!!!

Please call Haneef on 07903577656 to book a stall. No Food or Book stalls.

May the Salat and the Salam and the Barakah of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad and our last word is, All Hamd is for Allah Lord of all creation.

HMCC Shura

Heathrow Muslim Community Centre
645 Bath Road
Cranford, Middlesex.
United Kingdom
General Queries: 0800 612 2797
Fax: +44(0)20 8759 9578

HaneefbinSandhar    -- 23-07-2008 @ 4:07 PM

HaneefbinSandhar    -- 30-07-2008 @ 12:17 PM
West London Conference ý Duroos Details

Shaykh Rabee ý Manners of living in the Lands of the Non-Muslims (TBC)

Abu Bilal AsýSwedie ý The Meaning of Tawwakul and Patience

Abdulillah Lahmaamee ý The Dangers of Extremism and Ignorance in Islam

Abu Khadijah al-Jazaýari ý A Description of Paradise

Abdulillah Lahmaamee ý The Heart of the servants is between the two fingers of Ar-Rahmaan

Abu Khadijah Abdul-Wahid ý The Importance of the Correct Islamic Belief

Shaykh (TBC) ý The Virtues of the Scholars and their Love of Allah

Abu Hakeem ý The Insignificance of this world

Shaykh Muhammed al-Aqeel ý ýO my slaves who have wronged themselvesý

(TBC) ý Safety is following the way of the Salaf

Awais al-Hashimi ý The Various Traps of As-Shaytaan

Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree ý Advice to the Muslim Youth

Abdulillah Lahmaamee ý The Amazing Descriptions of the Companions of the Prophets

Nadeem Ahsan ý I have been sent to perfect Good Manners

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