Topic: Materials and Resources for Shaikh al Banna's Event in Columbus Ohio

Mohamed.Shabana    -- 06-07-2008 @ 10:38 PM
  Dear brothers and sisters:

All the classes are subject to cancellation if our beloved shaikh is not feeling too well.

Times for the classes are tentative and not strictly adhered to.

We will keep every body informed of any changes best as we can.

Inshaa Allah, For those of you who can't make it to the function, all of the classes will be in Paltalk in "Masjid asSahaaba Columbus Ohio USA Live Duruus"room under "Islam", "Religion". It will be also in the teleconference line at 218 486 1300 pin 191220.

We encourage the brothers and sisters to record the lectures off Paltalk and the phone for their own personal use to benefit at a later time.

The materials for the classes in Arabic and English will be posted soon inshaa Allah.

On behalf of masjid asSahaaba, I apologize for any inconvenience to
any brother or sister.

Admission to this function is free.

We welcome any suggestions to improve on our activities and to help
with the Dawah of the messenger of Allah, may the peace and blessings
be upon him, his family, and his companions.

Mohamed bin Shabana abu-Sa'ad Columbus, Ohio, USA
Masjid as-Sahaaba
795 e.Hudson st.
Columbus, OH 43211
(614)262-8511 masjid
(614)622-5396 Cell

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