Topic: Daily Paltalk lecture by fadeelatu shaykh Zayd al Madkhalee

Abu_Ubayd    -- 06-03-2008 @ 9:32 AM
  Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu

For all those who are not aware there is a daily lecture by our noble shaykh Zayd ibn Muhammad Haadee al Madkhalee in the Paltalk room 'live doroos by shiekh al madkhli', in the Arabic language only. (Simply copy and paste the room name into the search option at the time of the lesson).


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Al mahaj al qaweem fee al ta'assee bi al rusool al kareem salla Allaahu alayhe wa sallam

Author:  shaykh Zayd ibn Muhammad Haadee al Madkhalee

Time: 6.45pm/7.00pm until 8.00pm Saudi time approx. (3.45pm/4.00pm until 5.00pm GMT)

The book is read by the shaykh's son Alee Zayd al Madkhlee and is then further explained and clarified by the noble shaykh.  Towards the end of the lesson the shaykh allows some general questions which he answers and of course is also very beneficial.

Most of the past lessons can be found on the shaykh's website in the section

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