Topic: Transmitting live and recorded lessons via a link without having to enter Paltalk    -- 23-06-2007 @ 9:20 PM
assalamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah

   we are in the process by the permission of Allaah of experimenting in transmitting live and recorded lessons via a link without having to enter Paltalk , you can find the forementioned link which will transmit directly from the Salafi duroos room on paltalk it is only in an experimental stage ,therefore, we hope that the brothers and sisters will aid us in this experiment can you please send us your valued criticisms to our email address ( ) wa JazakamuAllaahu khairan .

this is the link :

  Khalid Bagais
abu zeiad al athary
Live Salafi Duroos

** abuzeiadalathary@hotmail **

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