Topic: LIVE IN PERSON:: Shaykh Falaah Ibn Isma'eel Al-Mundikaar at Masjid as-Salafi Birmingham UK

Abu.Lubaynah    -- 18-08-2010 @ 2:22 AM
  As-Salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa baarakaatuh

Shaykh Falaah Ibn Isma'eel Al-Mundikaar will once again share with us both his time and his knowledge in this blessed month of Ramadhaan.  May Allaah reward him and preserve him!

Topic:   Usool as-Sunnah Of Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal Rahimahullaahu ta'alaa

Day: For 10 days inshaaAllaah commencing Wednesday 18th August 2010

Time:  After Salaatul-Asr which is currently approximately 17:30 UK Time.

Paltalk room: Salafi Publications LIVE

When a man knows his ownself, speech of the people is of no benefit to him!

Abu.Lubaynah    -- 22-08-2010 @ 4:24 AM
  As-Salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa baarakaatuh

We are sorry to announce that due to our Shaykh's ill health his remaining lessons with us have been cancelled.  We ask Allaah to cure him and to reward him for all his efforts in aiding us with both his time and knowledge in his time of ill health...

Allaahumma aameen!

When a man knows his ownself, speech of the people is of no benefit to him!

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