Topic: Chalkhill Conference - 14th March

HaneefbinSandhar    -- 03-03-2010 @ 2:12 PM
How to Undertstand Islam and al-Miftah proudly Presents...

"Say: If you truly Love Allah, Then Follow me..."

Sunday 14th March
from 3.30pm inshaAllah

Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis
Abu Idrees Muhammed ibn Aslam
Abu Junaid Yusuf Bowers

An Event that welcomes Young and old, Male and Female, Muslim and Non-Muslim
Gives you a chance to ask questions and clear any doubts and clarify misconceptions

Free Admission!!!

Chalkhill Community centre
113 Chalkhill road

Food, Drinks, Books, CD's, Perfumes and more on sale!!

Birmingham - 07917 820943
London - 07506 844144

email -

Paltalk (depending on reception) - LIVE_Salafi_Duroos_Around_London

msaqib1    -- 10-03-2010 @ 1:08 AM

Abu.Lubaynah    -- 10-03-2010 @ 11:10 PM
  Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa baarakaatuh

There will be a 15 Seater Minibus available to those of whom are in close
proximity to Birmingham UK and surrounding areas.  

Masjid as-Salafi Birmingham UK will be the designated meeting
point and the minibus will depart promptly at 1pm inshaaAllah.  
Those of whom who wish to travel are asked to be punctual or may face
disappointment in being left behind.

The event will commence at 3:30pm and conclude at 10pm inshaaAllah.

The estimated time of arrival to the destination (London) is 3pm and will
depart from London on route to Birmingham at approximately 10-10:15pm.

Masjid location: Wright Street, Small Heath, Birmingham.  Which is adjacent
to a church.

There is a 7pounds charge per person.

Contact Abu Isma'eel to reserve a seat on: 07917-820-943 (limited spaces)

When a man knows his ownself, speech of the people is of no benefit to him!

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