Topic: Abul-Hasaan Malik in New York

jalil.meekins    -- 23-01-2010 @ 4:24 PM

     Al-humdullah last night we were blessed with the opportunity to finally accept the invite of our beloved brothers of New York city. Even though we arrived almost a hour late because of the never ending bumper to bumper traffic of New York,we witnessed the mosque filled with brothers with pens and pads ready to benefit from the Kitab was Sunnah.We were met with large smiles upon each face. It reminded me of the hadeeth "A smile in the face of your brother is charity" from the hadeeth of Abu Dharr al-Ghifari { radiyallahu anhu }.

     Our beloved brother Abul-Hasaan gave a talk in which he did in masjid Salafi in Birmingham, U.K. entitled " Irshadul-Ibaad ". He brought many benefits from the hadeeth of Irbaad ibnu Saariyah.The talk was very interesting because it showed how the science of hadeeth and the minhaj of its people preserves the noble religion of Allah.

     After his talk he was able to discuss with the remaining brothers the issue of the importance of the people of the Sunnah to come together and bite down on whats correct. Indeed it was a blessed gathering and all praise and thanks are for Allah alone.

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Hadeeth Aboo Zaahid

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