Topic: Every Soul Shall Taste Death. Philadelphia Conf 25th Dec 09

Abu.Maryam.T    -- 15-12-2009 @ 5:31 PM

Abu Maryam Taariq bin 'Ali
Birmingham UK CD@SalafiPublications.Com

jalil.meekins    -- 15-12-2009 @ 7:36 PM

Also on Dec.26 our beloved bros. Anwar Wright { Graduate of the school of Hadeeth in Medina } and Abdur-Rahman Afreeky { The imam of masjid as-Sunnah } with lecture us on " PARADISE " with a live tele-link with the noble shaykh Rabee insha Allah.

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Hadeeth Aboo Zaahid

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