Topic: Philly Lectures

jalil.meekins    -- 14-12-2009 @ 7:28 AM

     Dec.25th 2009 Masjid as-Sunnah an-Nabiwiyyah in conjuction with masjid Muhammad Abdul-Wahab of Camden N.J. presents "DEATH" and why everyone will taste it with a live tele-link with our beloved scholar sh.Ubaid and our beloved brothers Abul-Hasaan Malik and Hasaan as-Somali. All talks will start after salatul-Asr @ masjid as-Sunnah an-Nabiwiyyah.

     Also on Dec.26th 2009 @ the same location our beloved brothers Anwar Wright { Graduate of the university of Medina } and Abdur-Rahman Afreeky will lecture on "PARADISE" insha Allah.

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Hadeeth Aboo Zaahid

Jameel.Finch    -- 14-12-2009 @ 3:26 PM
  As-Salaamu 'Alaykum,


May Allah, the Most High, allow the lectures to be successful and beneficial for our communities
and others.

And may Allah, the Most High, reward the poster for taking the time to inform the masses.

Your brother in Islam,

Jameel Finch

jalil.meekins    -- 15-12-2009 @ 3:53 AM

Also on Dec.26th there will be a live tele-link with our father and noble shaykh Rabee insha Allah.
{ to be confirmed }

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Hadeeth Aboo Zaahid

jalil.meekins    -- 15-12-2009 @ 7:24 PM
  Ameen Ameen Ameen as well as you brothers!!!

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Hadeeth Aboo Zaahid

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