Topic: Eid Prayer in Birmingham 2009    -- 26-11-2009 @ 10:30 PM

'Eid Prayer Will Be Prayed (inshaa' Allaah),
At Small Heath Park (Tennis Courts),
Coventry Road,

Friday 27th November 2009
Prayer Time: 8.15am Sharp!

Followed by the Khutbah
Please don't be late!

Wrap up well in the cold weather! Bring something to pray upon.
Telephone 0121 773 0003 or 0033

The Jumu'ah prayer will take place as normal in the masjid, though it is not obligatory to attend (on this day when Eid and Friday have occured together). If you do not attend the Jumu'ah, you should still pray dhuhr as normal.

The Prophet (salallaahu 'alayhi wassallam) said:

"Let the free women, the virgins, and the menstruating women go out to attend the 'Eid prayer, and witness the goodness and the supplications of the believers. As for the mentruating women, they should stay away from [praying on] the musallaa."
Bukhaaree and Muslim.


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