SunnahPublishing.Net | -- 01-03-2006 @ 5:43 PM |
From ?Alee Ibn Abee Taalib (radiyallaahu ?anhu) who said, ?I heard the Prophet (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) saying, ?There shall come in the last days a people who are young in age and imbecilic in understanding. They will speak with the statement of the best of creation. They will shoot through Islaam just as an arrow shoots through hunted game. Their eemaan will not pass beyond their throats. So kill them wherever you encounter them. So there is a reward on the Day of Judgement for whosoever kills them.? Related by al-Bukhaaree (no. 361), Muslim (no. 1066) and Aboo Daawood (no. 4767). Stated Abul-?Aaliyah (d.90H) ? rahimahullaah, ?I read the Qur?aan ten years after the death of your Prophet (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam). So Allaah bestowed upon me two blessings, I do not know which of the two is better: that He guided me to Islaam, or that He did not make me a Harooree.? Saheeh: Related by ?Abdur-Razzaaq (10/153), Ibn Sa?d (7/114), al-Laalikaa?ee in Sharh Usoolul-I?tiqaad (no. 230), Ibn Abee Zamneen in Usoolus-Sunnah (no. 240), al-Harawee in Dhammul-Kalaam (qaaf89/baa) and it was mentioned by adh-Dhahabee in as-Siyar (4/212). Below is a translation of the book, al-Khawaarij wal-Fikral-Mutajaddid by the Noble Scholar ?Abdul-Muhsin Ibn Naasir al-?Ubaykaan. What makes this book a monumental work in refutation of the Neo-Khaarijiyyah is the fact that Shaykh ?Abdul-Muhsin used to be with the Qutbiyyah in the early 1990?s. The Qutbiyyeen would shower praises upon him, accompany him and frequent his mosque in large numbers. By the permission of Allaah, the Shaykh was later guided to see the truth concerning this destructive call of the Qutbiyyah and he left them as a result. So he began to openly refute the heads of rebellion and revolt, he would advise the ?Committee for Defence of Human Rights? and their leader, Muhammad al-Mis?aree. So this book stands as a testament to the Shaykh?s willingness to accept and champion the truth when it becomes clear to him, and to speak it without fearing the blame of those who blame.
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