Topic: Women performing Taraweeh on her own

UmmAbdulRahman    -- 12-09-2008 @ 2:08 PM

As a woman I prefer to pray Taraweeh prayers at home because I think it is better (correct me if I am wrong).

Sometimes I feel tempted to go to the Masjid to be with other sisters, but I don't go because I believe the local Masjid (the only one I can go)is upon the Ikhuani Manhaj, so I feel I shouldn't go. Is this the right decision? So, I wonder what can I do in Eid prayers. Can I pray behind a ikhuani? I don't know what to do.

I pray my  8 rakaas in Taraweeh prayers plus two rakaas for shafr and one of witr in the last third of the night. I have been told that this is permissible.(is it?. But sometimes I don't pray taraweeh in a continuos matter,(having some break in between to drink water etc) during this time, is this permissible?

Barakallaahu fekum

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