Topic: Grand Mufti talks concerning Sh.Rabee & Sh.Ahmad An Najmee

Abu_Ibraheem    -- 27-08-2003 @ 2:53 PM
  As-Salamu alaykum, recieved this today from KSA

Quotes from attached Fatwaa

"Jarh and Ta'deel is a knowledge passed down  from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his Companions to this time of ours, but it is for its people from the major scholars like Najmi and Shaykh Rabee, reference is to be made to them in these matters"

"Shaykh Rabee is one of the well trusted major scholars, a caller to the truth and a [caller to] aiding it and he is the carrier of the banner of Jarh and Ta'deel..."

The Above Quotes were translated by Abu Zaynab al Hashimi (May Allaah reward Him), who also supplied the fatwaa.

Does anyone have the time to tranlate this in full?

wa sallaamu aliakum

Islaam is the Sunnah and the Sunnah is Islaam.

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