Topic: New books by Shaikh Al-Uthaimeen & Al-Fawzaan

amr.basheer    -- 27-03-2008 @ 10:09 PM

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AlhamdulilAllaah Shaikh Al-Uthaimeen's,rahimullaah, explanation to the Saheeh of Al-Bukhaaree is out. It is 8 Volumes. I saw it at maktabah Al-Moayyid for 250 riyals.

Also, Shaikh Al-Fawzaan's explanation to Sharh us-Sunnah of Al-Barbahaaree which he recently completed in his masjid has been published in 2 volumes. published by maktabah Al-Rushd for about 50 riyals.

UmmMujaahid    -- 28-03-2008 @ 6:31 PM
  Bismillahir rahmaanir raheem,

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi,

Are there any bookstores in the U.k where these books can be purchased?

Umm Mujaahid

mustafaG.    -- 02-04-2008 @ 10:27 PM
  Asalam u alaikum

Sheikh Fowzan's book can be purchased on-line at:

As for Sheikh Uthaymeen's explanation of Sahih al Bukhari, we advise the brothers and sisters to wait for this book to be printed by Sheikh Uthaymeen's charity organization.  Their print is better quality and reviewed and checked by the students of the Sheikh, whereas the new print mentioned in the post above is a cheaper, less quality print not checked by the students of the Sheikh.

May Allah give us all Tawfeeq.

Asalam u alaikum

Mustafa George
Saudi Arabia

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